Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Website Review:

      In this blog post, I’d like to review a website I know all of us in the entertainment industry have visited at least once.  The website,, not only shows up  as the first site when searching “entertainment jobs” on Google, but it is also promoted in various school counseling offices as a job search source.  I have used it in the past, and as I have begun browsing through it again, I’d say that it is a website with potential. With the right self-marketing and some monthly membership fees, one can find themselves a job, or internship, smack dab and center in whatever section of the entertainment industry they are looking to work in. charges a fee (like sites similar to it) to be able to apply to jobs in the entertainment industry in various parts of the country. As most specialty-job sites do, this requirement of a fee is not too shocking.  You may browse jobs without a membership, which is great. For their membership “special”, you can get full-membership access to their site for $4.95 for the first month and $9.95 for each month after. Or, they offer consolidated monthly options—3 months for 25 dollars, 6 for 45 dollars, and 12 for 70 dollars. Is it worth the money? I’d say you’d have to test the site out and apply a few places for a month or two. If dead ends are all you see, and the right kind of jobs and internships are never there, I’d say to test another route.

As most know, the entertainment industry is somewhat like a bubble. Often, it is hard to find out when a company in the entertainment company is hiring, and even harder to get your foot in the door when they are. The site provides an insider look into a multiple of both big and little named entertainment companies looking for new employees. For this reason, I’d say the site is worth a try, if not just a browse. And if you are an entertainment business owner, you can post jobs to this site which is a great benefit as well. It allows to find those looking to work in places of business like your own.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Groupon Grows

            Social media can now be identified as a driving force for small and large businesses alike. In the entertainment world, social media has given individuals the access not only to great entertainment events, but also the opportunity to create their own entertainment events. In many of these social media sites today, people can find amazing deals and monetary savings on entertainment. Movies, music, shows, and everything in between can now be accessed in one’s local area with ease. Amongst the most popular social media sites, deal site Groupon has managed to double their usage by way of intense marketing and good finance management. Capitalizing on the appeal of their own business offerings, Groupon has made a statement to the world that they are here to stay. The news of them doubling their users indicates the intense rate of growth the company is experiencing.
            Now with 115 million users, Groupon has announced that they are discontinuing the usage of a financial measure they have been referencing but now see now unfit and unattractive to stock holders. This metric, called Adjusted Consolidated Segment Operating Income (ACSOI), excludes marketing costs. Groupon spent 4 million last year in the first quarter, and this year 208 million in the same bracket of time. Getting more customers is a priority to keep the business successful, and so marketing is directly critical.
            Groupon is extremely important to entertainment now. Although it is not entertainment based, it is definitely entertainment focused. From concert ticket discounts for top notch performers, party-planning, to club drink package deals, Groupon is now playing a significant role in people’s lives when it comes to going out and engaging in entertainment related activities. As the economy seemingly is causing the masses to be focused on frugality, Groupon gives this opportunity.