Sunday, November 13, 2011

NBA Lockout

 I think the biggest sports business conflict that has arisen in the past 5 years is definitely the NBA lockout. Unlike the NFL lockout, a resolution is not seemingly being able to be met on relatively easy terms.  Although the NBA Lockout of 2011 is not the first ever NBA lockout, it is proving to be the worst. The 2011-2012 season has completely been compromised, and as of today was supposed to be resolved already as weeks’ worth of originally scheduled games have been canceled.
Derek Fisher is the NBPA (National Basketball Player’s Association) president, and early on in the lockout he expressed many sentiments that on behalf of the players, everyone wanted to reach common ground before games were canceled and the NBA would be on a true stall. Many fans have been on edge throughout the entire lockout ordeal, hoping this would happen. Unfortunately, games have already been lost and fans are not the only ones that are upset. Television networks, vendors, and players are all losing money over what is happening.
Most recently, there has been a multitude of meetings and going back and forth between the NBA owners and the NBPA. Rejected deal after rejected deal, and revised deal after deal, no consensus has yet been reached.  Some players have even been cited as refusing to be bullied throughout the negotiation process. Now, it has come to somewhat like a scramble to reach a mutual deal so everyone my resume with the NBA season. Business has too long trampled what the NBA should be about—the game.
The lockout has been going on for 135 days, and new business issues arise almost on the daily. Although fans are optimistic that the season will return soon, many underlying factors are showing up. In one article I read, the agents that are influencing the NBA players’ requirements and demands all will have long careers, as the average NBA player plays only 4-5 years. True interests need to be examined by the NBA players so they are truly doing what is best for them, not who works for them. Essentially, the big picture now needs to be seen more than the immediate picture. The history of the NBA can forever be changed by the exchanges happening. I hope it is all resolved soon. 


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