Sunday, October 2, 2011

Baseball's Top Contract: A-Rod Signs for 252 Million Dollars

      In a country that loves sports, many people in America know of an athlete, or athletes that they watch, like, or follow in professional sports that makes a huge amount of money. Whether it be a sport such as baseball, football, or basketball, sports tend to hold the grip on many children’s dreams and aspirations. Sports still hold the old dreams and aspirations of those all grown up. And many may wonder, what is a big factor of these dreams? Well, I’d go so far as saying this is obvious. I believe that most people would be able to pinpoint the well-known professional athlete lifestyle and salary as creating that “want to be an athlete” appeal amongst the masses.
      This leads me to discuss the biggest sports story in the past decade.  Arguably, it is Alex Rodriguez’s contract with the Texans. In baseball, known primarily as “A-Rod,” Alex Rodriguez signed one of the biggest contracts in history. In December of the year 2000, A-Rod signed a 252 million dollar contract with the Texas Rangers. This astonished not only the baseball industry but the sports industry as a whole.  A-Rod faced not just popularity but also scrutiny for his deal. Some thought he was worth the money, and of course many thought he was not.
      Being that A-Rod’s Texans contract was so massive, it sent A-Rod instantly to be placed under the microscope in the sports world. Every move he made and step he took, someone was watching. And he is attributed for changing baseball forever with his lucrative deal. His contract deal was accused as being responsible for baseball contracts escalating over the years following his signing. Many free agents expected more and more money, which caused problems for budgeting teams for team owners, recruits, and managers.  Regardless, A-Rod was able to take hold of the baseball industry like no one ever has. Since that 252 million dollar contract was signed, he has stayed as the leading example of what a large contract and team deal is. 

 Watch “The Biggest Plays in Sports Business”:

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