Saturday, January 14, 2012

LA Sports Marketing--A Website Review

Being that networking is essential in the sports marketing business, I did some research to see what company’s are in my  area that I could contact for opportunities. In this blog I am going to do a website review of the LA Sports Marketing company—

I was pleased to learn from the front page that the company has 43 offices in 33 cities throughout the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. For someone visiting their site seeking to be a client, or looking for job opportunities like me, this fact is important. The amount of offices speaks to the company’s success and also attributes to understanding what kind of business the company runs and on what scale.

The bio page only has two bios. I think this is lacking. Out of all the employees the company must have, I think it would be nice to get a feel of the company by having more employees listed.

The career section doe not list opportunities able to be applied to, but yet a general consensus on what type of career opportunities are at the company. I think this is ok, however I would like to know specific positions I am applying to before I apply.

The client portfolio is under construction, and being in business since 2000, I think this is questionable. If I were a client, I would not appreciate this lack of detail. Overall, the site is ok but it needs some work in my opinion. The highlight would be the emphasis of their loyalty and professionalism exerted to their work. The lowlight would definitely be the site structure. It is 2012 and it is very easy to get a modern, catchy, professional site. At this point, the site kind of makes me question what their offices are like and if they would have anything to offer me at all.

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