Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Los Angeles Dodgers Find Themselves in a Media Rights Bind

A recent issue regarding media rights in sports has been with the baseball team, The Los Angeles Dodgers. The LA Dodgers are suing Fox over the sale of media rights. The lawsuit stated that Fox Sports, whom broadcasts all Dodger games violated an agreement they had together protecting the Dodgers and their bankruptcy situation. The Dodgers have a pending deal with the MLB in regards to the Dodgers' media rights. After agreeing to sell the Dodger franchise, they have found themselves in a world-wind of mess. Beginning in the year 2014 and on, the Dodger's media rights will be up for sale. This soon to be settlement with the MLB is stated by Fox to be breaching their contract with them. Fox believed the Dodgers should not be selling their media rights. 
The Dodgers requested of the court a restraining order on Fox. This would be to protect them from messing up any media rights deals and issues.  And after suing Fox Sports in bankruptcy court this month, the initial hearing on if this immediate situation was to be dismissed or not was canceled. Reuters cites that the Dodgers have been trying to get negotiations on the sale of the team going while the Fox situation is basically on the back burner. The Dodgers are offering to sell the entire team including their media rights, which is why they prefer to make a concrete deal with the MLB before Fox Sports takes advantage of their situation. 

I think that the Dodgers should not completely abandon Fox in their sale of media rights. Being they apparently have a stringent contract, I think there should not only be a deal made with the MLB but with Fox as well. The Dodgers can not assume they can abandon their legal commitments just because they are in a very bad situation currently business-wise. If the appropriate time is taken, and parties do not try to avoid each other, I think that a solution should be relatively smooth. I am sure the Dodgers want their media rights in the right hands at the end of the day. 


Sunday, November 13, 2011

NBA Lockout

 I think the biggest sports business conflict that has arisen in the past 5 years is definitely the NBA lockout. Unlike the NFL lockout, a resolution is not seemingly being able to be met on relatively easy terms.  Although the NBA Lockout of 2011 is not the first ever NBA lockout, it is proving to be the worst. The 2011-2012 season has completely been compromised, and as of today was supposed to be resolved already as weeks’ worth of originally scheduled games have been canceled.
Derek Fisher is the NBPA (National Basketball Player’s Association) president, and early on in the lockout he expressed many sentiments that on behalf of the players, everyone wanted to reach common ground before games were canceled and the NBA would be on a true stall. Many fans have been on edge throughout the entire lockout ordeal, hoping this would happen. Unfortunately, games have already been lost and fans are not the only ones that are upset. Television networks, vendors, and players are all losing money over what is happening.
Most recently, there has been a multitude of meetings and going back and forth between the NBA owners and the NBPA. Rejected deal after rejected deal, and revised deal after deal, no consensus has yet been reached.  Some players have even been cited as refusing to be bullied throughout the negotiation process. Now, it has come to somewhat like a scramble to reach a mutual deal so everyone my resume with the NBA season. Business has too long trampled what the NBA should be about—the game.
The lockout has been going on for 135 days, and new business issues arise almost on the daily. Although fans are optimistic that the season will return soon, many underlying factors are showing up. In one article I read, the agents that are influencing the NBA players’ requirements and demands all will have long careers, as the average NBA player plays only 4-5 years. True interests need to be examined by the NBA players so they are truly doing what is best for them, not who works for them. Essentially, the big picture now needs to be seen more than the immediate picture. The history of the NBA can forever be changed by the exchanges happening. I hope it is all resolved soon. 


Monday, October 31, 2011

Missouri and the Big 12 Dillema

In the sports world, the trademark sports conference, "The Big 12," is expecting some changes. University of Missouri plans to leave the Big 12, and some are worried will it affect the Big 12 trademark. The University of Missouri wants to explore its conference options. I think this should be fine, as long as the Big 12 can replace them and keep their group of teams strong. Missouri backing out of the Big 12 can mean other teams wanting to do the same, which can result in the Big 12's demise. If everyone plays fair, and Missouri leaves courteously from the Big 12, I think the controversy will fade quickly.

On October 29, 2011, it was confirmed that the University of Missouri sent half of the 5 million dollar exit fee to the Big 12. However, the chairman of the Big 12 still holds that they will now be allowed to leave until next year due to regulations and rules, unless they want to go to court. As West Virginia is due to take Missouri's spot, the Big 12 still holds that Missouri is still a member of the Big 12, regardless what is going on. I think that Missouri needs to take a non-threatened stance against the Big 12, and look after its own best interest. The Big 12's trademark I think will be unscathed at the end of all the buzzing.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Baseball's Top Contract: A-Rod Signs for 252 Million Dollars

      In a country that loves sports, many people in America know of an athlete, or athletes that they watch, like, or follow in professional sports that makes a huge amount of money. Whether it be a sport such as baseball, football, or basketball, sports tend to hold the grip on many children’s dreams and aspirations. Sports still hold the old dreams and aspirations of those all grown up. And many may wonder, what is a big factor of these dreams? Well, I’d go so far as saying this is obvious. I believe that most people would be able to pinpoint the well-known professional athlete lifestyle and salary as creating that “want to be an athlete” appeal amongst the masses.
      This leads me to discuss the biggest sports story in the past decade.  Arguably, it is Alex Rodriguez’s contract with the Texans. In baseball, known primarily as “A-Rod,” Alex Rodriguez signed one of the biggest contracts in history. In December of the year 2000, A-Rod signed a 252 million dollar contract with the Texas Rangers. This astonished not only the baseball industry but the sports industry as a whole.  A-Rod faced not just popularity but also scrutiny for his deal. Some thought he was worth the money, and of course many thought he was not.
      Being that A-Rod’s Texans contract was so massive, it sent A-Rod instantly to be placed under the microscope in the sports world. Every move he made and step he took, someone was watching. And he is attributed for changing baseball forever with his lucrative deal. His contract deal was accused as being responsible for baseball contracts escalating over the years following his signing. Many free agents expected more and more money, which caused problems for budgeting teams for team owners, recruits, and managers.  Regardless, A-Rod was able to take hold of the baseball industry like no one ever has. Since that 252 million dollar contract was signed, he has stayed as the leading example of what a large contract and team deal is. 

 Watch “The Biggest Plays in Sports Business”:

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Website Review:

      In this blog post, I’d like to review a website I know all of us in the entertainment industry have visited at least once.  The website,, not only shows up  as the first site when searching “entertainment jobs” on Google, but it is also promoted in various school counseling offices as a job search source.  I have used it in the past, and as I have begun browsing through it again, I’d say that it is a website with potential. With the right self-marketing and some monthly membership fees, one can find themselves a job, or internship, smack dab and center in whatever section of the entertainment industry they are looking to work in. charges a fee (like sites similar to it) to be able to apply to jobs in the entertainment industry in various parts of the country. As most specialty-job sites do, this requirement of a fee is not too shocking.  You may browse jobs without a membership, which is great. For their membership “special”, you can get full-membership access to their site for $4.95 for the first month and $9.95 for each month after. Or, they offer consolidated monthly options—3 months for 25 dollars, 6 for 45 dollars, and 12 for 70 dollars. Is it worth the money? I’d say you’d have to test the site out and apply a few places for a month or two. If dead ends are all you see, and the right kind of jobs and internships are never there, I’d say to test another route.

As most know, the entertainment industry is somewhat like a bubble. Often, it is hard to find out when a company in the entertainment company is hiring, and even harder to get your foot in the door when they are. The site provides an insider look into a multiple of both big and little named entertainment companies looking for new employees. For this reason, I’d say the site is worth a try, if not just a browse. And if you are an entertainment business owner, you can post jobs to this site which is a great benefit as well. It allows to find those looking to work in places of business like your own.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Groupon Grows

            Social media can now be identified as a driving force for small and large businesses alike. In the entertainment world, social media has given individuals the access not only to great entertainment events, but also the opportunity to create their own entertainment events. In many of these social media sites today, people can find amazing deals and monetary savings on entertainment. Movies, music, shows, and everything in between can now be accessed in one’s local area with ease. Amongst the most popular social media sites, deal site Groupon has managed to double their usage by way of intense marketing and good finance management. Capitalizing on the appeal of their own business offerings, Groupon has made a statement to the world that they are here to stay. The news of them doubling their users indicates the intense rate of growth the company is experiencing.
            Now with 115 million users, Groupon has announced that they are discontinuing the usage of a financial measure they have been referencing but now see now unfit and unattractive to stock holders. This metric, called Adjusted Consolidated Segment Operating Income (ACSOI), excludes marketing costs. Groupon spent 4 million last year in the first quarter, and this year 208 million in the same bracket of time. Getting more customers is a priority to keep the business successful, and so marketing is directly critical.
            Groupon is extremely important to entertainment now. Although it is not entertainment based, it is definitely entertainment focused. From concert ticket discounts for top notch performers, party-planning, to club drink package deals, Groupon is now playing a significant role in people’s lives when it comes to going out and engaging in entertainment related activities. As the economy seemingly is causing the masses to be focused on frugality, Groupon gives this opportunity.

Friday, July 22, 2011

SISTERHOOD in the City

A specific industry niche association I recently discovered was The National Association of Black Female Executives in Music and Entertainment (NABFEME). This association aims to enlighten, educate, and empower women of color in the music and entertainment industries. NABFEME’s goal is to provide a resource for learning, inspiration, and networking. They have various events and programs that cultivate women to be successful and also ready for the entertainment and music industries. The association is a support system, and it currently has two regional locations in Atlanta and Chicago. There are various other NABFEME network leaders in cities across the country.
NABFEME offers scholarship opportunities, mentoring, and even educational programs. Amongst all the services of the association, I believe that the SISTERHOOD service is most influential on the entertainment and music industries. NABFEME’s SISTERHOOD program is one that represents “A Network of Our Own.” SISTERHOOD is a networking outlet that minority professionals in music and entertainment can come together in discussion about issues, both professional and personal. This program is influential because the entertainment industry as a whole is known as being one that is hard to get connections. By providing a circle that is easily accessible, NABFEME can create instant opportunities for individuals. This will allow more access and exposure of minority women professionals in the entertainment world, no matter what specific part of the industry one is in.
            NABFEME’s SISTERHOOD program has the potential to affect the entertainment industry by allowing those that may usually have a harder time climbing the success ladder in the industry to have their own chance and take it into their own hands.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

* Review*

Entertainment blogs and websites have taken over the internet. People make it a point to visit many of these sites everyday whether it be by cellphone, or on their computer at work. Entertainment blogs and websites have drawn a large audience around the world. The exposure to such sites has been promoted easily with the social networks Twitter and Facebook. Today, people have never been so connected to their life interests, music, and entertainment interests.
            Amongst the most popular entertainment sites is my favorite, the site of Necole Bitchie, Necole Bitchie incorporates not only the latest celebrity gossip but also fashion and relationship help. These things separate itself from other gossip sites like Perez Hilton’s. I prefer Necole Bitchie’s site because it is not one-note. As it is a blog site, and it is based on opinion primarily, I find the perspectives taken very interesting and entertaining.
            Now as most probably would look at the blog and think of it as nothing special, if they found out the background story behind it they probably would have more respect for it. Necole Bitchie herself was in a dark place in her life a few years ago, when she decided to start her blog. She started writing for Russell Simmons at while keeping her personal blog going. It took much planning and execution for her to eventually get her site to where she wanted it to be. After dedicating her time and being diligent in her work, she started to get enough exposure and revenue on to run her own site full time. Half of her operation is based on finding and keeping advertisers on her site. This business savvy entrepreneur knew where she wanted to take herself, and did it. I think this is very cool. It would be interesting for her to put up an entertainment-business news section on her website.
            Necole Bitchie noted that Twitter gains her much attention. I believe word of mouth has a lot to do with her success as well, as that is the way I learned about her site. All in all, she has undoubtedly created a name for herself in the entertainment industry. VH1’s new show, “Single Girls,” referenced Necole Bitchie twice this season. “If it’s Bitchie then you know it’s true!”

Sunday, June 5, 2011

*UCLA Jazz & Reggae Festival*

            The annual UCLA Jazz and Reggae Festival is a tradition for Los Angeleans and out-of-towners alike. Held every Memorial Day weekend, this picnic-style festival has drawn many top names in the music industry. This year, on “Jam Day,” artists featured included Lupe Fiasco and Talib Kweli.
            Being that I have attended about 5 of these festivals, I must say it is a huge production. Attending UCLA has allowed me to get a background access to the set up, and take down of the event. The main constant in the running of the festival is that there are teams everywhere. Clean up teams, security teams, stage teams, and even food and beverage teams. Teams facilitate the entire festival. As thousands fill the intramural field of UCLA, teams are everywhere running the show and keeping things in control. And although I do not know the budget of the festival, I do know the planning is year-round. I also know that the festival is very lucrative for the vendors working on the festival grounds.        
In my experience attending the festivals, there has always been a flawless execution.  There is a real peaceful and relaxing, yet exciting feel to the festival. Whether one attends both days of the festival or just one, the comfort of a simple day laying on the grass (or standing and dancing) with amazing food, non-alcoholic drinks, surrounded by a massive crowd is just…well… great. Walking through the event, it seems as if it is a bike chain properly connected---just moving in a constant flow. The collapse or failure of any micro-team (if you will) would affect the macro-essence of the event. As long as everyone does their job, there are no problems. So far, I have not seen any.
            I would assume that the artist recruiting team has one of the most important jobs in the festival committee, as music is the reason for the gathering. Customer satisfaction seems to rely mostly on the artists scheduled for the festival, the security of the festival, and the food and drink at the festival.  If anyone is in town during this event, I’d say it is somewhere you must attend!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Show ALWAYS Goes On!

          Ever since Charlie Sheen was fired from the hit television show “Two and a Half Men,” there has been much press about it. The entertainment industry took great interest to this story for the past few weeks, with Charlie Sheen being the grunt of most of the stories. His so-called “outrageous” comments, and insulting rants about “Two and a Half Men” producers placed Charlie in a not so good business predicament. Nonetheless, Charlie took his losses—his contract and salary from the show—and went on to start a comedy tour that went all across America.
            Little did Charlie know, his hopes for being rehired on “Two and a Half Men” were cut extremely short. Just this week it was announced that Ashton Kutcher is signing on with “Two and a Half Men” as his replacement. Although this news was not shocking per say, it definitely was a significant update for the “Two and a Half Men” series. Connecting entertainment and business together, we see the swiftness CBS and the “Two and a Half Men” showed in order to continue on what they are there for… which is to bring in the dollars and secondly, to continue entertain fans.
            This story can really give insight into the seriousness of the business aspect of the entertainment industry. As many would say Charlie “made” the “Two and a Half Men” show, CBS illustrated that no matter what, the show must go on. We can learn there is no one “star”, as a new star can always be brought in. It is almost cliché to say that the entertainment business is always changing and never a sure thing, but in this case for actors we can definitely see how this can be true.
            I think that Ashton Kutcher will give a new light and interest to “Two and a Half Men.” He has the ability to bring a younger audience, and with his millions of Twitter followers, he can also bring a multitude of new fans.


I am Next in Line, because I choose to knock on every door I want to walk through. There are those who create their own opportunities, and there are those who wait for them to come by. I'd like to think of myself as a creator. This blog, "Next In Line" will encompass the past, present, and anticipation for future because I feel like we are all here by way of all of these stages. While living through these stages, if you will, I want to inspire others to place themselves at the feet of the opportunities they desire. By way of things from current events to current thoughts, I think there is usually a lesson--or atleast some sort of entertainment everywhere.

I traveled the circumference of the globe in 2008, and graduated from UCLA in 2009. I am always on the run, so come along. Help me keep up the pace of this thing called life.
