Sunday, April 1, 2012

Social Media

This week I would like to write a blog about social media and the dependency on it that continues to grow, much beyond it’s already close to a billion membered groups of followers and participants. Social media has become more than just social media—it has become an outlet for almost everything and anything you can think of. Social media wears the hat not only of a marketer, advertiser, game provider, consumer electronic seller, fashion trend creator, but hundreds of other hats also.  Social media has become an accessory to other habits such as watching television, and listening to music. It is a staple for many to keep in contact with friends and family. But some would argue “we” as a people are letting social media go too far. That we are letting social media replace things that should not be replaced such as hand written letters and simple phone calls.  Do you agree?

I definitely think that social media has become somewhat of a household staple (if you will) to the masses. Not only are children and businesses using it, but mothers and grandfathers are also using it as well, and very frequently. Social media as a whole has moved beyond the “fad” stage, and has become somewhat of a lifestyle.  Alex Priest in “Facebook Dies, Twitter Freaks Out, and We Realize Our Social Media Dependence,” highlights a time when Facebook was down and the response the public over the Internet reacted. It illustrated a direct addiction type of behavior with social media. This addictive nature is what is creating somewhat as an uncomforting energy in society towards excessive social media, but I think that is soon to fade away. Over time the stamp of social media will become more and more bold. There is no stopping it.

And in regards to businesses and social media, there certainly is no way around not only participating in social media, but there is also  no way around needing it. Because of the lack of privacy, some businesses have strayed from being involved with social media. I do not think this is smart. What social media represents today means that no businesses owners especially can afford to not participate in social media.  “Tapping into Social Media Smarts” by Terri Griffith even encourages business owners to encourage social media participation with it’s own employees. This is an extremely new age idea, but as explained it is important to be open.  If everyone keeps social media as the background to daily living, and even business running, I think all will be ok. 

Griffith, Terri. “Tapping into Social Media Smarts.”

Preist, Alex. “Facebook Dies, Twitter Freaks Out, and We Realize Our Social Media Dependence.”

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